5 Strategies to Keep Employees Satisfied at Your Law Firm

by Simpal Kumari

Happy employees mean happy customers and better profits!

But do you know Lawyers are one of the least happy careers in the United States. They rate their career happiness 2.6 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 7% of careers.

Moreover, only 44% of Big Law lawyers report satisfaction with their profession, while 68% of public sector lawyers do, says University of Tennessee law professor Benjamin H. Barton.

It’s no secret that retaining employees has gotten increasingly challenging in the last year, particularly for small businesses and legal firms.

The reasons for this are complicated, and to be honest, they’re not part of the problem we’re trying to fix today. Today, we’ll discuss ways to keep your current employees happy and productive at their positions! And, attract new employees by word of mouth.

So, here are five simple strategies to boost employee satisfaction at your legal firm and enhance profitability.

  1. Incentive Program:
    Lawyers nowadays are under a lot of pressure, which has an indirect and direct influence on their personnel and clients. Clients expect high-quality services from the lawyers and law firms they hire, and happy and motivated employees are an important part of delivering them. Law firms must use both extrinsic and intrinsic motivating approaches to inspire their employees.

    The question therefore becomes, “How can law firms enhance extrinsic and intrinsic motivation among their employees?”

    There are numerous ways for law firms and lawyers to develop excellent working connections with their employees. A formal incentive scheme is one option. However, legal firms should make an effort to learn what their particular employees want in order to be most effective.
  2. Thanks Program:
    Lawyers and companies should thank their employees every day, in addition to maintaining lines of communication open so that they may learn what perks their employees want.

    Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a Harvard professor, author, and management consultant, determined that “high-performing firms have abundant [employee] recognition.”

    By thanking and recognising employees’ excellent accomplishments in front of others on a regular basis, experts claim that Managers (and lawyers) can instil a strong sense of loyalty in their employees and improve their enthusiasm in their work-related activities.

    Leaving a compliment on a coworker’s desk with a sticky note have the ability to energise them.
  3. Providing attractive Job Titles:
    Giving staff perceived alternative titles is another approach to empower them. For example, at Starbucks Coffee Company, all retail employees are referred to as “partners.”

    In a law firm, calling secretaries “partners” would obviously be misleading, but a job title like “administrative assistant” would be more empowering and significantly enhance their motivation because they would feel useful to both the lawyer they worked for and the firm. Staff employees like having their contributions valued, and law firms should recognise this.
  4. Training and Reviews:
    Now that you’ve identified some areas where your team is having issues, it’s time to examine your training and review process. Do you hold review sessions on a seasonal or monthly basis? Do you take the time to formally convey what is and isn’t working in the building?

    It may seem that making a passing comment at the end of a shift is sufficient, but scheduling time for reviews allows you and your employee to think about, discuss, and calmly convey challenges and triumphs.

    Similarly, regular training sessions provide your personnel with the tools they need to take care of clients more efficiently and effectively.
  5. Providing the right tools:
    Finally, now that you’ve valued training and satisfaction, you’ll need the appropriate tools for the job. The right technologies are typically there on the register in legal offices.

    Every organization’s ultimate goal is to create an environment where employees remain productive. It is critical for lawyers and companies to provide employees with a reason to stay by providing a constructive work environment.

    Employees with the right tools have a favourable impact on client relationships, firm perceptions, and profitability. Given that today’s lawyers must deliver high-quality services to their clients, having happy, contented personnel is advantageous. These workers are just as vital as the legal services they provide to a firm’s long-term success.

Signing in and processing matters is lightning fast with all-in-one software solutions like LegalXGen. Plus, with the training provided to get you started, you’ll be able to get your employees moving at a faster rate than ever before.

This is just one example—be on the lookout for tools that will help you build your business and continue your wonderful success storey! You can also book a free demo here to learn more about the LegalXGen software solution and why hundreds of law firms use it to develop their business.